Spin-offs, Divestments and Demergers of Public Companies

Spin-offs, Divestments and Demergers of Public Companies

Spin-offs, divestments and demergers of public companies are efficient means available to owners and managers for arranging assets, improving profitability or focusing operations on core competencies.

We are the trusted partner of managers and major shareholders of listed companies in demanding share transactions that involve the disposal of publicly listed shares through a demerger or spin-off of operations.

We have a strong foothold in the financial sector. Our team consists of leading legal experts with extensive experience in public M&A transactions. To help our clients succeed in even the most complex and demanding arrangements, our capital markets and transaction lawyers work closely with our firm’s experts in corporate governance, competition law, banking and finance, tax law, and employment law. Our legal advice is ranked among Finland’s best.

Our services include:

  • Demergers and partial demergers
  • Spin-offs
  • Divestments of material business operations of public companies